Anna Ballbona
Writer and journalist
With studies in Journalism and Comparative Literature, she has published the novels No soc aquí (Anagrama Books Prize 2020) and Joyce i les gallines (finalist for the same prize, 2016), as well as the non-fiction book on women's sport Elles competeixen (Ara Llibres, 2022) and the poetry collections Conill de gàbia (LaBreu, 2012) and La mare que et renyava era un robot (Amadeu Oller Prize, 2008). No soc aquí has been translated into German and Spanish, and Joyce i les gallines, into Greek and Spanish.
She has been included in several anthologies, such as Mig segle de poesia catalana. Del maig de 1968 al 2018 (Proa).
She also currently writes for the El Quadern supplement of El País and the magazines El Temps and Serra d'Or. She is a contributor to the Catalunya Ràdio literature programme Ciutat Maragda and runs the literary podcast Domini màgic. She has also written articles for L'Avenç, Caràcters, L'Espill, Revista de Catalunya, Barcelona Metròpolis and Ara.